Does God Really Exist???

Does God exist and if so, is there any evidence for God's existence??? Well, according to Romans 1:20 Paul says, "For since the creation of the world, God's invincible qualities, his eternal power, and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

Hence, if the scripture is true in what it says then there's plenty of evidence for God's existence through nature alone. Unfortunately, for many, the Bible isn't enough; there needs to be more. There needs to be evidence to prove God's existence. And, whoever may be seeking more than what the Bible provides, all you have to do is just open your eyes, look up in to the sky, observe the natural world, and ask this question: Did the marvelous universe just pop itself into existence, or did God create the universe? Does the sun burn 93 million degrees Fahrenheit on its own, or did somebody control the temperature? 

Let's consider the former question really quick... How often does something pop into existence without a cause? How often does a cake appear in the oven without somebody putting the ingredients together? How often can a plane fly minus a pilot or minus the plane being programmed to fly by itself??? The answer is NEVER! Everything in the observable world has a cause. The device you are reading this post from has a cause, the clothes you wear have a cause, the homes you live in have a cause, and the cars you drive have a cause. Everything in the observable world has a cause! Nothing in the scientific lab mixes itself together; it requires a scientist to perform the experiment. Every effect has a cause! Therefore, the cause and effect argument alone is evidence for a cause of the universe, and if the universe has a cause, then that cause must be GOD!

Who else could be responsible for creating the sun, the moon, the stars, the invincible oxygen we breath, the various species, the trees, the laws of nature, our bodies, the self-functioning cells in our bodies, the information encoded in our DNA, our rationality, our conscience, our feelings, and our intelligence? Surely complexity, design, information, and intelligence just doesn't come into existence on its own... Surely consciousness doesn't evolve from unconsciousness... The only other reasonable explanation for the existence of the universe is God. To believe otherwise that the universe and it's incredible design comes from absolutely nothing without a cause, or just evolved over a span of billions of years is not only a far stretch of the human imagination, but there's not one single piece of evidence in the observable world that proves an effect minus a cause. More faith would be required to believe in the proposition of self existence, than to believe in God's existence. The Bible says in Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

Therefore, not only does God exist, but all the arrows in the natural world point to God's existence. For those who need more than the cause and effect argument, please consider the eight arguments outlined by William Lane Craig, one of the top leading apologists of the 21st century, which include the Contingency argument, the Cosmological (Kalam) argument, the Applicability of Mathematics argument, the Teleological argument, the Intentional State of Consciousness argument, the Moral argument, the Ontological argument, and the Personal Experience argument. Needless to say, there is more than enough evidence for the fact-seeking community on the existence of God. 

#Time4Truth #GodExists

Please click on the video below for more information on the Cosmological (Kalam) argument.